Source code for gammapy.maps.measure

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
import numpy as np
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
from regions import PolygonSkyRegion
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

[docs]def containment_region(map_, fraction=0.393, apply_union=True): """Find the iso-contours region corresponding to a given containment for a map of integral quantities with a flat geometry. Parameters ---------- map_ : `~gammapy.maps.WcsNDMap` Map of integral quantities. fraction : float Containment fraction. Default is 0.393. apply_union : bool It True return a compound region otherwise return a list of polygon regions. Default is True. Note that compound regions cannot be written in ds9 format but can always be saved with numpy.savez. Returns ------- regions : list of ~regions.PolygonSkyRegion` or `~regions.CompoundSkyRegion` regions from iso-contours matching containment fraction. """ from . import WcsNDMap if not isinstance(map_, WcsNDMap): raise TypeError( f"This function is only supported for WcsNDMap, got {type(map_)} instead." ) fmax = np.nanmax( if fmax > 0.0: ordered = np.sort([::-1] cumsum = np.nancumsum(ordered) ind = np.argmin(np.abs(cumsum / cumsum.max() - fraction)) fval = ordered[ind] plt.ioff() fig = plt.figure() cs = plt.contour(, [fval]) plt.close(fig) plt.ion() regions_pieces = [] try: paths_all = cs.get_paths()[0] starts = np.where( == 1)[0] stops = np.where( == 79)[0] + 1 paths = [] for start, stop in zip(starts, stops): paths.append( mpl.path.Path( paths_all.vertices[start:stop],[start:stop], ) ) except AttributeError: paths = cs.collections[0].get_paths() for pp in paths: vertices = [] for v in pp.vertices: v_coord = map_.geom.pix_to_coord(v) vertices.append([v_coord[0], v_coord[1]]) vertices = SkyCoord(vertices, frame=map_.geom.frame) regions_pieces.append(PolygonSkyRegion(vertices)) if apply_union: regions_union = regions_pieces[0] for region in regions_pieces[1:]: regions_union = regions_union.union(region) return regions_union else: return regions_pieces else: raise ValueError("No positive values in the map.")
[docs]def containment_radius(map_, fraction=0.393, position=None): """Compute containment radius from a position in a map with integral quantities and flat geometry. Parameters ---------- map_ : `~gammapy.maps.WcsNDMap` Map of integral quantities. fraction : float Containment fraction. Default is 0.393. position : `~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord` Position from where the containment is computed. Default is the center of the Map. Returns ------- radius : `~astropy.coordinates.Angle` Minimal radius required to reach the given containement fraction. """ from . import WcsNDMap if not isinstance(map_, WcsNDMap): raise TypeError( f"This function is only supported for WcsNDMap, got {type(map_)} instead." ) if position is None: position = map_.geom.center_skydir fmax = np.nanmax( if fmax > 0.0: sep = map_.geom.separation(position).flatten() order = np.argsort(sep) ordered =[order] cumsum = np.nancumsum(ordered) ind = np.argmin(np.abs(cumsum / cumsum.max() - fraction)) else: raise ValueError("No positive values in the map.") return sep[order][ind]