Source code for gammapy.makers.background.reflected

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
import html
import logging
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from itertools import combinations
import numpy as np
from astropy import units as u
from astropy.coordinates import Angle
from regions import CircleSkyRegion, PixCoord, PointSkyRegion
from gammapy.datasets import SpectrumDatasetOnOff
from gammapy.maps import RegionGeom, RegionNDMap, WcsGeom, WcsNDMap
from ..core import Maker
from ..utils import make_counts_off_rad_max

__all__ = [

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

FULL_CIRCLE = Angle(2 * np.pi, "rad")

def are_regions_overlapping_rad_max(regions, rad_max, offset, e_min, e_max):
    """Calculate pair-wise separations between all regions and compare with rad_max to find overlaps."""
    separations = u.Quantity(
        [ for a, b in combinations(regions, 2)]

    rad_max_at_offset = rad_max.evaluate(offset=offset)
    # do not check bins outside of energy range
    edges_min = rad_max.axes["energy"].edges_min
    edges_max = rad_max.axes["energy"].edges_max
    # to be sure all possible values are included, we check
    # for the *upper* energy bin to be larger than e_min and the *lower* edge
    # to be larger than e_max
    mask = (edges_max >= e_min) & (edges_min <= e_max)
    rad_max_at_offset = rad_max_at_offset[mask]
    return np.any(separations[np.newaxis, :] < (2 * rad_max_at_offset))

def is_rad_max_compatible_region_geom(rad_max, geom, rtol=1e-3):
    """Check if input RegionGeom is compatible with rad_max for point-like analysis.

    geom : `~gammapy.maps.RegionGeom`
        Input RegionGeom.
    rtol : float, optional
        Relative tolerance. Default is 1e-3.

    valid : bool
        True if rad_max is fixed and region is a CircleSkyRegion with compatible radius
        True if region is a PointSkyRegion
        False otherwise.
    if geom.is_all_point_sky_regions:
        valid = True
    elif isinstance(geom.region, CircleSkyRegion) and rad_max.is_fixed_rad_max:
        valid = np.allclose(geom.region.radius, rad_max.quantity, rtol)

        if not valid:
            raise ValueError(
                f"CircleSkyRegion radius must be equal to RADMAX "
                f"for point-like IRFs with fixed RADMAX. "
                f"Expected {rad_max.quantity} got {geom.region.radius}."
        valid = False

    return valid

[docs]class RegionsFinder(metaclass=ABCMeta): """Base class for regions finders. Parameters ---------- binsz : `~astropy.coordinates.Angle` Bin size of the reference map used for region finding. """ def __init__(self, binsz=0.01 * u.deg): """Create a new RegionFinder.""" self.binsz = Angle(binsz) def _repr_html_(self): try: return self.to_html() except AttributeError: return f"<pre>{html.escape(str(self))}</pre>"
[docs] @abstractmethod def run(self, region, center, exclusion_mask=None): """Find reflected regions. Parameters ---------- region : `~regions.SkyRegion` Region to rotate. center : `~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord` Rotation point. exclusion_mask : `~gammapy.maps.WcsNDMap`, optional Exclusion mask. Regions intersecting with this mask will not be included in the returned regions. Default is None. Returns ------- regions : list of `~regions.SkyRegion` Reflected regions. wcs : `~astropy.wcs.WCS` WCS for the determined regions. """
def _create_reference_geometry(self, region, center): """Reference geometry. The size of the map is chosen such that all reflected regions are contained on the image. To do so, the reference map width is taken to be 4 times the distance between the target region center and the rotation point. This distance is larger than the typical dimension of the region itself (otherwise the rotation point would lie inside the region). A minimal width value is added by default in case the region center and the rotation center are too close. The WCS of the map is the TAN projection at the `center` in the coordinate system used by the `region` center. """ frame = # width is the full width of an image (not the radius) width = 4 * + Angle("0.3 deg") return WcsGeom.create( skydir=center, binsz=self.binsz, width=width, frame=frame, proj="TAN" ) @staticmethod def _get_center_pixel(center, reference_geom): """Center pixel coordinate.""" return PixCoord.from_sky(center, reference_geom.wcs) @staticmethod def _get_region_pixels(region, reference_geom): """Pixel region.""" return region.to_pixel(reference_geom.wcs) @staticmethod def _exclusion_mask_ref(reference_geom, exclusion_mask): """Exclusion mask reprojected.""" if exclusion_mask: mask = exclusion_mask.interp_to_geom(reference_geom, fill_value=True) else: mask = WcsNDMap.from_geom(geom=reference_geom, data=True) return mask @staticmethod def _get_excluded_pixels(reference_geom, exclusion_mask): """Excluded pixel coordinates.""" # find excluded PixCoords exclusion_mask = ReflectedRegionsFinder._exclusion_mask_ref( reference_geom, exclusion_mask, ) pix_y, pix_x = np.nonzero( return PixCoord(pix_x, pix_y)
[docs]class WobbleRegionsFinder(RegionsFinder): """Find the OFF regions symmetric to the ON region. This is a simpler version of the `ReflectedRegionsFinder`, that will place ``n_off_regions`` regions at symmetric positions on the circle created by the center position and the on region. Returns no regions if the regions are found to be overlapping, in that case reduce the number of off regions and/or their size. Parameters ---------- n_off_regions : int Number of off regions to create. Actual number of off regions might be smaller if an ``exclusion_mask`` is given to ``. binsz : `~astropy.coordinates.Angle` Bin size of the reference map used for region finding. """ def __init__(self, n_off_regions, binsz=0.01 * u.deg): super().__init__(binsz=binsz) self.n_off_regions = n_off_regions
[docs] def run(self, region, center, exclusion_mask=None): """Find off regions. Parameters ---------- region : `~regions.SkyRegion` Region to rotate. center : `~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord` Rotation point. exclusion_mask : `~gammapy.maps.WcsNDMap`, optional Exclusion mask. Regions intersecting with this mask will not be included in the returned regions. Default is None. Returns ------- regions : list of `~regions.SkyRegion` Reflected regions. wcs : `~astropy.wcs.WCS` WCS for the determined regions. """ reference_geom = self._create_reference_geometry(region, center) center_pixel = self._get_center_pixel(center, reference_geom) region_pix = self._get_region_pixels(region, reference_geom) excluded_pixels = self._get_excluded_pixels(reference_geom, exclusion_mask) n_positions = self.n_off_regions + 1 increment = FULL_CIRCLE / n_positions regions = [] for i in range(1, n_positions): angle = i * increment region_test = region_pix.rotate(center_pixel, angle) # for PointSkyRegion, we test if the point is inside the exclusion mask # otherwise we test if there is overlap excluded = False if exclusion_mask is not None: if isinstance(region, PointSkyRegion): excluded = ( excluded_pixels.separation( < 1 ).any() else: excluded = region_test.contains(excluded_pixels).any() if not excluded: regions.append(region_test) # We cannot check for overlap of PointSkyRegion here, this is done later # in make_counts_off_rad_max in the rad_max case if not isinstance(region, PointSkyRegion): if self._are_regions_overlapping(regions, reference_geom): log.warning("Found overlapping off regions, returning no regions") return [], reference_geom.wcs return [r.to_sky(reference_geom.wcs) for r in regions], reference_geom.wcs
@staticmethod def _are_regions_overlapping(regions, reference_geom): # check for overlap masks = [ region.to_mask().to_image(reference_geom._shape) > 0 for region in regions ] for mask_a, mask_b in combinations(masks, 2): if np.any(mask_a & mask_b): return True return False
[docs]class ReflectedRegionsFinder(RegionsFinder): """Find reflected regions. This class is responsible for placing a reflected region for a given input region and pointing position. It converts to pixel coordinates internally assuming a tangent projection at center position. If the center lies inside the input region, no reflected regions can be found. If you want to make a background estimate for an IACT observation using the reflected regions method, see also `~gammapy.makers.ReflectedRegionsBackgroundMaker`. Parameters ---------- angle_increment : `~astropy.coordinates.Angle`, optional Rotation angle applied when a region falls in an excluded region. min_distance : `~astropy.coordinates.Angle`, optional Minimum rotation angle between two consecutive reflected regions. min_distance_input : `~astropy.coordinates.Angle`, optional Minimum rotation angle between the input region and the first reflected region. max_region_number : int, optional Maximum number of regions to use. binsz : `~astropy.coordinates.Angle` Bin size of the reference map used for region finding. Examples -------- >>> from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord, Angle >>> from regions import CircleSkyRegion >>> from gammapy.makers import ReflectedRegionsFinder >>> pointing = SkyCoord(83.2, 22.7, unit='deg', frame='icrs') >>> target_position = SkyCoord(80.2, 23.5, unit='deg', frame='icrs') >>> theta = Angle(0.4, 'deg') >>> on_region = CircleSkyRegion(target_position, theta) >>> finder = ReflectedRegionsFinder(min_distance_input='1 rad') >>> regions, wcs =, center=pointing) >>> print(regions[0]) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Region: CircleSkyRegion center: <SkyCoord (ICRS): (ra, dec) in deg (83.19879005, 25.57300957)> radius: 1438.3... arcsec """ def __init__( self, angle_increment="0.1 rad", min_distance="0 rad", min_distance_input="0.1 rad", max_region_number=10000, binsz="0.01 deg", ): super().__init__(binsz=binsz) self.angle_increment = Angle(angle_increment) if self.angle_increment <= Angle(0, "deg"): raise ValueError("angle_increment is too small") self.min_distance = Angle(min_distance) self.min_distance_input = Angle(min_distance_input) self.max_region_number = max_region_number self.binsz = Angle(binsz) @staticmethod def _region_angular_size(region, reference_geom, center_pix): """Compute maximum angular size of a group of pixels as seen from center. This assumes that the center lies outside the group of pixel. Returns ------- angular_size : `~astropy.coordinates.Angle` The maximum angular size. """ mask = reference_geom.region_mask([region]).data pix_y, pix_x = np.nonzero(mask) pixels = PixCoord(pix_x, pix_y) dx, dy = center_pix.x - pixels.x, center_pix.y - pixels.y angles = Angle(np.arctan2(dx, dy), "rad") angular_size = np.max(angles) - np.min(angles) if angular_size.value > np.pi: angle_wrapped = angles.wrap_at(0 * u.rad) angular_size = np.max(angle_wrapped) - np.min(angle_wrapped) return angular_size def _get_angle_range(self, region, reference_geom, center_pix): """Minimum and maximum angle.""" region_angular_size = self._region_angular_size( region=region, reference_geom=reference_geom, center_pix=center_pix ) # Minimum angle a region has to be moved to not overlap with previous one # Add required minimal distance between two off regions angle_min = region_angular_size + self.min_distance angle_max = FULL_CIRCLE - angle_min - self.min_distance_input return angle_min, angle_max
[docs] def run(self, region, center, exclusion_mask=None): """Find reflected regions. Parameters ---------- region : `~regions.SkyRegion` Region to rotate. center : `~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord` Rotation point. exclusion_mask : `~gammapy.maps.WcsNDMap`, optional Exclusion mask. Regions intersecting with this mask will not be included in the returned regions. Default is None. Returns ------- regions : list of `~regions.SkyRegion` Reflected regions. wcs : `~astropy.wcs.WCS` WCS for the determined regions. """ if isinstance(region, PointSkyRegion): raise TypeError( "ReflectedRegionsFinder does not work with PointSkyRegion. Use WobbleRegionsFinder instead." ) regions = [] reference_geom = self._create_reference_geometry(region, center) center_pixel = self._get_center_pixel(center, reference_geom) region_pix = self._get_region_pixels(region, reference_geom) excluded_pixels = self._get_excluded_pixels(reference_geom, exclusion_mask) angle_min, angle_max = self._get_angle_range( region=region, reference_geom=reference_geom, center_pix=center_pixel, ) angle = angle_min + self.min_distance_input while angle < angle_max: region_test = region_pix.rotate(center_pixel, angle) if not np.any(region_test.contains(excluded_pixels)): region = region_test.to_sky(reference_geom.wcs) regions.append(region) if len(regions) >= self.max_region_number: break angle += angle_min else: angle += self.angle_increment return regions, reference_geom.wcs
[docs]class ReflectedRegionsBackgroundMaker(Maker): """Reflected regions background maker. Attributes ---------- region_finder: RegionsFinder If not given, a `ReflectedRegionsFinder` will be created and any of the ``**kwargs`` will be forwarded to the `ReflectedRegionsFinder`. exclusion_mask : `~gammapy.maps.WcsNDMap`, optional Exclusion mask. """ tag = "ReflectedRegionsBackgroundMaker" def __init__( self, region_finder=None, exclusion_mask=None, **kwargs, ): if exclusion_mask and not exclusion_mask.is_mask: raise ValueError("Exclusion mask must contain boolean values") self.exclusion_mask = exclusion_mask if region_finder is None: self.region_finder = ReflectedRegionsFinder(**kwargs) else: if kwargs: raise ValueError("No kwargs can be given if providing a region_finder") self.region_finder = region_finder @staticmethod def _filter_regions_off_rad_max(regions_off, energy_axis, geom, events, rad_max): # check for overlap offset = e_min, e_max = energy_axis.bounds regions = [geom.region] + regions_off overlap = are_regions_overlapping_rad_max( regions, rad_max, offset, e_min, e_max ) if overlap: log.warning("Found overlapping on/off regions, choose less off regions") return [] return regions_off
[docs] def make_counts_off(self, dataset, observation): """Make off counts. **NOTE for 1D analysis:** as for ``, if the geometry of the dataset is a `~regions.CircleSkyRegion` then only a single instance of the `ReflectedRegionsFinder` will be called. If, on the other hand, the geometry of the dataset is a `~regions.PointSkyRegion`, then we have to call the `ReflectedRegionsFinder` several time, each time with a different size of the on region that we will read from the `RAD_MAX_2D` table. Parameters ---------- dataset : `~gammapy.datasets.SpectrumDataset` Spectrum dataset. observation : `~gammapy.observation.Observation` Observation container. Returns ------- counts_off : `~gammapy.maps.RegionNDMap` Counts vs estimated energy extracted from the OFF regions. """ geom = dataset.counts.geom energy_axis = geom.axes["energy"] events = rad_max = observation.rad_max is_point_sky_region = geom.is_all_point_sky_regions if rad_max and not is_rad_max_compatible_region_geom( rad_max=rad_max, geom=geom ): raise ValueError( "Must use `PointSkyRegion` or `CircleSkyRegion` with rad max " "equivalent radius in point-like analysis," f" got {type(geom.region)} instead" ) regions_off, wcs = center=observation.get_pointing_icrs(observation.tmid), region=geom.region, exclusion_mask=self.exclusion_mask, ) if geom.is_all_point_sky_regions and len(regions_off) > 0: regions_off = self._filter_regions_off_rad_max( regions_off, energy_axis, geom, events, rad_max ) if len(regions_off) == 0: log.warning( "ReflectedRegionsBackgroundMaker failed. No OFF region found " f"outside exclusion mask for dataset '{}'." ) return None, RegionNDMap.from_geom(geom=geom, data=0) geom_off = RegionGeom.from_regions( regions=regions_off, axes=[energy_axis], wcs=wcs, ) if is_point_sky_region: counts_off = make_counts_off_rad_max( geom_off=geom_off, rad_max=rad_max, events=events, ) else: counts_off = RegionNDMap.from_geom(geom=geom_off) counts_off.fill_events(events) acceptance_off = RegionNDMap.from_geom(geom=geom_off, data=len(regions_off)) return counts_off, acceptance_off
[docs] def run(self, dataset, observation): """Run reflected regions background maker. Parameters ---------- dataset : `SpectrumDataset` Spectrum dataset. observation : `DatastoreObservation` Data store observation. Returns ------- dataset_on_off : `SpectrumDatasetOnOff` On-Off dataset. """ counts_off, acceptance_off = self.make_counts_off(dataset, observation) acceptance = RegionNDMap.from_geom(geom=dataset.counts.geom, data=1) dataset_onoff = SpectrumDatasetOnOff.from_spectrum_dataset( dataset=dataset, acceptance=acceptance, acceptance_off=acceptance_off, counts_off=counts_off,, ) if dataset_onoff.counts_off is None:[...] = False log.warning( f"ReflectedRegionsBackgroundMaker failed. Setting {} " "mask to False." ) return dataset_onoff