Source code for gammapy.astro.darkmatter.profiles

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
"""Dark matter profiles."""
import abc
import html
import numpy as np
import astropy.units as u
from gammapy.modeling import Parameter, Parameters
from gammapy.utils.integrate import trapz_loglog

__all__ = [

[docs]class DMProfile(abc.ABC): """DMProfile model base class.""" LOCAL_DENSITY = 0.3 * u.GeV / (**3) """Local dark matter density as given in reference 2""" DISTANCE_GC = 8.33 * u.kpc """Distance to the Galactic Center as given in reference 2"""
[docs] def __call__(self, radius): """Call evaluate method of derived classes.""" kwargs = { par.quantity for par in self.parameters} return self.evaluate(radius, **kwargs)
def _repr_html_(self): try: return self.to_html() except AttributeError: return f"<pre>{html.escape(str(self))}</pre>"
[docs] def scale_to_local_density(self): """Scale to local density.""" scale = (self.LOCAL_DENSITY / self(self.DISTANCE_GC)).to_value("") self.parameters["rho_s"].value *= scale
def _eval_substitution(self, radius, separation, squared): """Density at given radius together with the substitution part.""" exponent = 2 if squared else 1 return ( self(radius) ** exponent * radius / np.sqrt(radius**2 - (self.DISTANCE_GC * np.sin(separation)) ** 2) )
[docs] def integral(self, rmin, rmax, separation, ndecade, squared=True): r"""Integrate dark matter profile numerically. .. math:: F(r_{min}, r_{max}) = \int_{r_{min}}^{r_{max}}\rho(r)^\gamma dr \\ \gamma = 2 \text{for annihilation} \\ \gamma = 1 \text{for decay} Parameters ---------- rmin, rmax : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Lower and upper bound of integration range. separation : `~numpy.ndarray` Separation angle in radians. ndecade : int, optional Number of grid points per decade used for the integration. Default is 10000. squared : bool, optional Square the profile before integration. Default is True. """ integral = self.integrate_spectrum_separation( self._eval_substitution, rmin, rmax, separation, ndecade, squared ) inegral_unit = u.Unit("GeV2 cm-5") if squared else u.Unit("GeV cm-2") return
[docs] def integrate_spectrum_separation( self, func, xmin, xmax, separation, ndecade, squared=True ): """Squared dark matter profile integral. Parameters ---------- xmin, xmax : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Lower and upper bound of integration range. separation : `~numpy.ndarray` Separation angle in radians. ndecade : int Number of grid points per decade used for the integration. squared : bool Square the profile before integration. Default is True. """ unit = xmin.unit xmin = xmin.value xmax = xmax.to_value(unit) logmin = np.log10(xmin) logmax = np.log10(xmax) n = np.int32((logmax - logmin) * ndecade) x = np.logspace(logmin, logmax, n) * unit y = func(x, separation, squared) val = trapz_loglog(y, x) return val.sum()
[docs]class ZhaoProfile(DMProfile): r"""Zhao Profile. This is taken from equation 1 from Zhao (1996). It is a generalization of the NFW profile. The volume density is parametrized with a double power-law. Scale radii smaller than the scale radius are described with a slope of :math:`-\gamma` and scale radii larger than the scale radius are described with a slope of :math:`-\beta`. :math:`\alpha` is a measure for the width of the transition region. .. math:: \rho(r) = \rho_s \left(\frac{r_s}{r}\right)^\gamma \left(1 + \left(\frac{r}{r_s}\right)^\frac{1}{\alpha} \right)^{(\gamma - \beta) \alpha} Parameters ---------- r_s : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Scale radius, :math:`r_s`. alpha : `~astropy.units.Quantity` :math:`\alpha`. beta: `~astropy.units.Quantity` :math:`\beta`. gamma : `~astropy.units.Quantity` :math:`\gamma`. rho_s : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Characteristic density, :math:`\rho_s`. References ---------- * `1996MNRAS.278..488Z <>`_ * `2011JCAP...03..051C <>`_ """ DEFAULT_SCALE_RADIUS = 24.42 * u.kpc DEFAULT_ALPHA = 1 DEFAULT_BETA = 3 DEFAULT_GAMMA = 1 """ (alpha, beta, gamma) = (1,3,1) is NFW profile. Default scale radius as given in reference 2 (same as for NFW profile) """ def __init__( self, r_s=None, alpha=None, beta=None, gamma=None, rho_s=1 * u.Unit("GeV / cm3") ): r_s = self.DEFAULT_SCALE_RADIUS if r_s is None else r_s alpha = self.DEFAULT_ALPHA if alpha is None else alpha beta = self.DEFAULT_BETA if beta is None else beta gamma = self.DEFAULT_GAMMA if gamma is None else gamma self.parameters = Parameters( [ Parameter("r_s", u.Quantity(r_s)), Parameter("rho_s", u.Quantity(rho_s)), Parameter("alpha", alpha), Parameter("beta", beta), Parameter("gamma", gamma), ] )
[docs] @staticmethod def evaluate(radius, r_s, alpha, beta, gamma, rho_s): """Evaluate the profile.""" rr = radius / r_s return rho_s / ( rr**gamma * (1 + rr ** (1 / alpha)) ** ((beta - gamma) * alpha) )
[docs]class NFWProfile(DMProfile): r"""NFW Profile. .. math:: \rho(r) = \rho_s \frac{r_s}{r}\left(1 + \frac{r}{r_s}\right)^{-2} Parameters ---------- r_s : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Scale radius, :math:`r_s`. rho_s : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Characteristic density, :math:`\rho_s`. References ---------- * `1997ApJ...490..493 <>`_ * `2011JCAP...03..051C <>`_ """ DEFAULT_SCALE_RADIUS = 24.42 * u.kpc """Default scale radius as given in reference 2""" def __init__(self, r_s=None, rho_s=1 * u.Unit("GeV / cm3")): r_s = self.DEFAULT_SCALE_RADIUS if r_s is None else r_s self.parameters = Parameters( [Parameter("r_s", u.Quantity(r_s)), Parameter("rho_s", u.Quantity(rho_s))] )
[docs] @staticmethod def evaluate(radius, r_s, rho_s): """Evaluate the profile.""" rr = radius / r_s return rho_s / (rr * (1 + rr) ** 2)
[docs]class EinastoProfile(DMProfile): r"""Einasto Profile. .. math:: \rho(r) = \rho_s \exp{ \left(-\frac{2}{\alpha}\left[ \left(\frac{r}{r_s}\right)^{\alpha} - 1\right] \right)} Parameters ---------- r_s : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Scale radius, :math:`r_s`. alpha : `~astropy.units.Quantity` :math:`\alpha`. rho_s : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Characteristic density, :math:`\rho_s`. References ---------- * `1965TrAlm...5...87E <>`_ * `2011JCAP...03..051C <>`_ """ DEFAULT_SCALE_RADIUS = 28.44 * u.kpc """Default scale radius as given in reference 2""" DEFAULT_ALPHA = 0.17 """Default scale radius as given in reference 2""" def __init__(self, r_s=None, alpha=None, rho_s=1 * u.Unit("GeV / cm3")): alpha = self.DEFAULT_ALPHA if alpha is None else alpha r_s = self.DEFAULT_SCALE_RADIUS if r_s is None else r_s self.parameters = Parameters( [ Parameter("r_s", u.Quantity(r_s)), Parameter("alpha", u.Quantity(alpha)), Parameter("rho_s", u.Quantity(rho_s)), ] )
[docs] @staticmethod def evaluate(radius, r_s, alpha, rho_s): """Evaluate the profile.""" rr = radius / r_s exponent = (2 / alpha) * (rr**alpha - 1) return rho_s * np.exp(-1 * exponent)
[docs]class IsothermalProfile(DMProfile): r"""Isothermal Profile. .. math:: \rho(r) = \frac{\rho_s}{1 + (r/r_s)^2} Parameters ---------- r_s : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Scale radius, :math:`r_s`. References ---------- * `1991MNRAS.249..523B <>`_ * `2011JCAP...03..051C <>`_ """ DEFAULT_SCALE_RADIUS = 4.38 * u.kpc """Default scale radius as given in reference 2""" def __init__(self, r_s=None, rho_s=1 * u.Unit("GeV / cm3")): r_s = self.DEFAULT_SCALE_RADIUS if r_s is None else r_s self.parameters = Parameters( [Parameter("r_s", u.Quantity(r_s)), Parameter("rho_s", u.Quantity(rho_s))] )
[docs] @staticmethod def evaluate(radius, r_s, rho_s): """Evaluate the profile.""" rr = radius / r_s return rho_s / (1 + rr**2)
[docs]class BurkertProfile(DMProfile): r"""Burkert Profile. .. math:: \rho(r) = \frac{\rho_s}{(1 + r/r_s)(1 + (r/r_s)^2)} Parameters ---------- r_s : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Scale radius, :math:`r_s`. References ---------- * `1995ApJ...447L..25B <>`_ * `2011JCAP...03..051C <>`_ """ DEFAULT_SCALE_RADIUS = 12.67 * u.kpc """Default scale radius as given in reference 2""" def __init__(self, r_s=None, rho_s=1 * u.Unit("GeV / cm3")): r_s = self.DEFAULT_SCALE_RADIUS if r_s is None else r_s self.parameters = Parameters( [Parameter("r_s", u.Quantity(r_s)), Parameter("rho_s", u.Quantity(rho_s))] )
[docs] @staticmethod def evaluate(radius, r_s, rho_s): """Evaluate the profile.""" rr = radius / r_s return rho_s / ((1 + rr) * (1 + rr**2))
[docs]class MooreProfile(DMProfile): r"""Moore Profile. .. math:: \rho(r) = \rho_s \left(\frac{r_s}{r}\right)^{1.16} \left(1 + \frac{r}{r_s} \right)^{-1.84} Parameters ---------- r_s : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Scale radius, :math:`r_s`. References ---------- * `2004MNRAS.353..624D <>`_ * `2011JCAP...03..051C <>`_ """ DEFAULT_SCALE_RADIUS = 30.28 * u.kpc """Default scale radius as given in reference 2""" def __init__(self, r_s=None, rho_s=1 * u.Unit("GeV / cm3")): r_s = self.DEFAULT_SCALE_RADIUS if r_s is None else r_s self.parameters = Parameters( [Parameter("r_s", u.Quantity(r_s)), Parameter("rho_s", u.Quantity(rho_s))] )
[docs] @staticmethod def evaluate(radius, r_s, rho_s): """Evaluate the profile.""" rr = radius / r_s rr_ = r_s / radius return rho_s * rr_**1.16 * (1 + rr) ** (-1.84)